Okay, so for the last several months, I have basically been at home. My kids are schooling at home, I do a lot of my work from home, church has been online, and so on. Everything seems to be taking place in my home with my kids here as well. So, my days of meeting friends for coffee while the kids are at school, or grocery shopping alone, or doing anything alone has flown out the window. I had to come up with new self-care ideas that I can sneak in.

Get Outside

mom self-care ideas read bookMy number one tip is get outside. It doesn’t matter if it is hot still. Anytime you can get outside is good for your soul. Have your coffee on the back porch, take a walk around your neighborhood, or a family bike ride.

Read a Book

I love to sneak outside to sit on my rocker with a book, while the kids are on one of their live classes during the school day. I just wait till they are both on a class at the same time and slip out to the porch. It may not last long, but it is nice to get outside and read a book. Though, I swear the online class will crash five minutes after I head out. LOL

Meal Plan

Keep healthy, easy-to-grab food on hand. Meal planning is a life saver for me. My husband is trying to take on some of the shopping since he still goes to work daily. We do a lot of grocery pickups, like Kroger’s ClickList. Which means meal planning makes that work way better. I tend to plan a week to two weeks at a time. When we get the groceries home, I go ahead and do prep work on all my veggies. This makes it so much easier to grab healthy snacks or add them to salads or stir fries. I eat healthier when they are easy to eat. I feel better when I eat healthier. Don’t worry sweets are also still on hand for treats.

Soak in a Bath

Enjoy a good long bubble and bath salt bath. After a long day helping two kids virtual school, I need a break. I keep my favorite bubble bath and bath salts on the side of the tub at all times. I love to get in the tub with a good book and just soak my stress away. It normally does not happen till the kids are in the bed, but I find the time. It relaxes me and helps me sleep so much better. If baths are not your thing, then get some great body wash and take a long shower. It will help relax those neck muscles that are tight from all the stress of the day.

Take up a Hobby

My last tip is pick up an old hobby or start a new one you can do easier with the new COVID guidelines. I have started teaching myself how to watercolor. I got a library book I picked up curbside and I watch online videos. I painted a lot as a kid. I have enjoyed finding little bits of time to learn something fun and relaxing. I even have found fun kid’s videos I have watched with my kids to teach them something new and fun. I highly recommend neon watercolors for everyone they are so fun!

Remember, no one is happy if Mom is not happy. Following some of these self-care ideas to help ease the stress of these uncertain times will help make everyone more happy.