I am always looking for fun, new ways to spend time together as a family. We love to go to different events, see new shows, and we adore going to anything that involves music and dance! Our goal as parents is to expose them to as much art, music, and dance as we can. So, when I was asked to attend a dress rehearsal for a show happening on Valentine’s Day, I jumped at the chance. I asked my mom to join my son and me and we headed out on a new adventure at the Nashville Ballet Rehearsal Building.

things to do nashville ballet peter and the wolf family fun in NashvilleFrom the observation deck of one of their spacious new studios, we were able to enjoy a run through of their show “Peter and the Wolf”. This is a family-geared show that incorporates ballet, live music, and live narration. The backdrops were hand painted by a local artist in bright and vibrant colors that held my sons attention from the first moment they appeared on stage. Peter, the bird, the duck, the cat, and Grandpa are fun characters and are played by amazing dancers. Their facial expressions and dance moves keep you mesmerized as they express the story through movement. The day of the performance the music will be played by live musicians, and I can tell you it will be amazing. We heard just a recording and the music really helped move the story along with the words spoken by the talented narrator.

My son enjoyed the performance so much that he started trying to help the wolf and laughed out loud when the feathers flew out of his mouth after he swallowed the duck. We may have laughed at the silly antics of the duck, cat, and bird. The show is fast paced and about thirty minutes long. I was actually sad when it was over and the cast came out to bow. My son has been acting out parts of it all day today. He said “I loved it all”, which is high praise from a three year old.

So, if you would like to think outside the normal presents of candy and stuffed animals, take your family to see one of the two shows of “Peter and the Wolf” at TPAC on Valentine’s Day. It, honestly, is an entire family event that will have you smiling from start to finish. I am so grateful for the memories made today with my mom and son. Thank you, Nashville Ballet, for allowing us to take a sneak peak of this amazing show.

For more information, visit Nashville Ballet.