There’s a little garden off the beaten path in the Grassland area of Franklin that was created with the visually impaired in mind. It’s called the Lion’s Club Sensory Garden for the Blind. The garden is a wonderful escape for all of your senses. And if you have a little one who is very sensory and hands-on, this is a great little garden to visit.

Sensory Garden for the Blind franklin tennessee

The flowering plants are not only beautiful to see, but some are wonderful to touch, some are fragrant to smell, and others are meant to taste. The garden was planted in four areas, one for each sense, defined by a circular walkway. With wind chimes hung along the canopy, it is truly a delight for all of your senses.

Pack a picnic lunch and plan to play at one of the neighboring playgrounds – at the park or at the elementary school (outside of school hours, of course). The Sensory Garden for the Blind can be found at Grassland Park, 6759 Manley Ln, Brentwood, TN. It is free and open to the public during normal park hours.

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